Applications Due October 15, 2024
Annual grant amount per project is $500 and the Texas Lakes Trail Region will give out three (3) grants per fiscal year to be awarded on November 4, 2024.
Types of projects considered:
Printed materials and publications (walking/driving tours, travel guides)
Exhibit development
Website development
Interpretive or way-finding signage
Educational programs for the general public
Workshops designed to develop or improve heritage tourism
Types of projects NOT considered:
Bricks and mortar projects, structural improvements, or capital purchases
Operating (includes salaries and wages), administrative, or maintenance expenses
Projects that advocate politics or religion
Projects for individuals
Projects or groups or entities without official status or a Federal Tax ID number
Eligibility Requirements:
Applicant must be a current member of the Texas Lakes Trail Region or affiliated with a current member.
Applicant must be a 501(c)(3), 501(c)(6), or government entity.
Project must be within the 31 counties of the Texas Lakes Trail Region
Project must be open and accessible to the public.
Project Requirements:
Application project or event must be completed within 6 months of receiving grant money. Exceptions can be made on a case-by-case bases with a formal letter of explanation.
Recognition of the Texas Lakes Trail Region as a partner or contributor in a News.
Release, including use of the Texas Lakes Trail logo on printed and promotional
Report of project one month before start date and three months following project or event completion.