St. Mary's Church

Plains Trail Region
22830 Pondaseta Rd Umbarger, TX 79091 (806) 499-3531

Rancher S.G. Umbarger founded the town that bears his name in the late 1890s, but it was a group of German settlers – including influential Catholic priest Father Joseph Reisdorff – who began to grow the town between 1902 and 1920. German-Catholic families founded St. Mary’s Catholic Church – originally called Mariankirche – in 1909. Services are still held at St. Mary’s, which preserves its German-Texan heritage.

Although most are located in Central Texas, in 1983 St. Mary's received designation on the National Register of Historic Places as one of Texas' famous painted churches.

St. Mary's Church

22830 Pondaseta Rd Umbarger, TX 79091


St. Mary's is an active church. Please contact the church before visiting, and always be respectful of church services.