High Island Boy Scout Woods & Smith Oaks Nature Sanctuaries

Forest Trail Region
Hwy 124 High Island, TX 77623 (713) 932-1639

A bird lover's paradise. Located on a salt dome, the sanctuaries stand out as the only substantial feature above the surrounding marshland for more than 10 miles in any direction. Extensive boardwalks wind through this migrant trap, allowing for exceptionally close and effortless access to non-stop birding action. Crowds of passerines and other neotropic migrants descend upon this large plot of coastal woodlands of oaks, hackberries and honey locust.

Over two dozen species of brilliantly-clad warblers, a host of vireos, flycatchers, and thrushes, and glittering buntings, tanagers, and grosbeaks descend upon the Island in astonishing numbers in spring. The woods are bursting with near-daunting amounts of movement, as skulking Swainson's and Worm-eating Warblers creep through the tangles, treetops glow with Blackburnian Warblers and Northern Parulas, and sunlit edges explode with frenzies of thrashers, catbirds, sparrows, and buntings.

High Island Boy Scout Woods & Smith Oaks Nature Sanctuaries

Hwy 124 High Island, TX 77623