Dutchman's Hidden Valley

Brazos Trail Region
3408 N. US Highway 281 Hamilton, Texas 76531

In 1961, Johnny and Frances Harris opened Hidden Valley Farms, where they sold pecan grafts, pecans, and fresh fruit from their orchards located behind the store. The addition of army barracks expanded the building and created a demand for even more merchandise. Soon, the store carried pecan and peanut brittle, antiques, and Texas art. At the same time, Ron Wenzel (nicknamed "The Dutchman" by the locals), who as a boy would sneak into the smokehouse and steal away pieces of meat, was working on his own jerky recipe and smokehouse, which we opened as part of Hidden Valley in 1985. Since then, the store has become known for this jerky and the other old-fashioned recipes that have persisted through the years.

Dutchman's Hidden Valley

3408 N. US Highway 281 Hamilton, Texas 76531