Healing Waters in Texas

Pictured: Bathers enjoy the ruins of Langford's hot springs resort in Big Bend's Hot Springs Historic District.
Credit: Public domain photograph by National Parks Administration.

Touching Grass

Ancient Healing

Pictured: A section of the Roman baths flooring at Butrint (modern Albania), 2nd century CE. The brick piles allowed for the circulation of warm air to heat the baths.
Credit: Mark Cartwright (CC BY-NC-SA)
"Uncle Sam Woody and family are spending a few days at Vineyard drinking the healing waters."
Wise County Messenger (Decatur, TX), July 23, 1897.

What's Old is New Again

The photograph reads "Natives at #2 Spring, Indian Hot Springs, Sierra Blanca, Tex." Date unknown.
Credit: Portal to Texas History.

Doctor's Orders

The postcard describes Hot Wells: "In addition to the restorative qualities of its climate, San Antonio possesses hot sulphur springs which are rapidly acquiring a world wide fame. The waters come from a volcanic geyser 2000 feet deep and have a natural temperature of 104 degrees Fahrenheit."
Credit: Portal to Texas History

So, what happened to the bathhouses?

Pictured: Texas Carlsbad Water was one of the earlier, and more popular drinking pavilions in the resort town of Mineral Wells, ca. 1895.
Credit: A. F. Weaver Collection, Boyce Ditto Public Library, Portal to Texas History

Is your favorite spring missing?



Mallory Laurel

Special Projects Coordinator