Culinary Legacies at Texas Plantations

Pictured: Varner-Hogg Plantation State Historic Site exterior
Credit: Texas Historical Commission

Food for Thought

Barbecuing the meat at the Emancipation Day Celebration on June 19, 1900.
Credit: [PICA-05479], Austin History Center, Austin Public Library

Defining Foodways

Red Food

Pictured: A brief description of Juneteenth festivities appear in an Austin publication just six years after emancipation was declared in Galveston.
Credit: Portal to Texas History: Daily State Journal, Wednesday, June 14, 1871.

A Feast to Remember

Scenes from A Day of Remembrance 2023.

Varner-Hogg Plantation
State Historic Site

Levi Jordan Plantation
State Historic Site

Recipe for Barbeque Sauce


Kennedy Wallace

Assistant Site Manager, Varner-Hogg and Levi Jordan Plantations