Star Drug Store

Independence Trail Region
510 23rd St. Galveston, Texas 77550

The Star Drug Store was built in 1886, making it the oldest soda fountain in Texas!

Built by the Scanlon family, a notable real estate family in early Galveston, the building was designed by renowned architect Nicholas Clayton, who is responsible for some of Galveston's most recognizable structures, including Bishop's Palace and "Old Red," the original medical college of the University of Texas at Galveston. Initially made of wood, the Star Drug Store was converted to brick in 1909 by owner and druggist Charles J. Michaelis, with the help of contractor J.W. Zempter.

By 1917, the store had added a horseshoe-shaped, tile soda fountain counter. From 1920 to 1982, Star Drug Store was owned and operated by George Clampitt and Grady Dickinson, who made local history when Star Drug Store became the first desegregated lunch counter in Galveston.

Today, the original counter, with its red tile star, and the restored historic Coca-Cola neon porcelain sign are still part of this carefully preserved piece of Galveston history.

Star Drug Store

510 23rd St. Galveston, Texas 77550