The Pharmacy and Medical Museum of Texas

Independence Trail Region
114 E. Main St. Cuero, TX 77954 (361) 485-8090

Joseph Reuss started his small pharmacy in 1845 at the seaport of Indianola – the port through which thousands of German immigrants were arriving annually. In 1875, after a major hurricane, he relocated the business to Cuero. Reuss’s is said to be Texas’s longest continuously operating pharmacy.

Located in the National Historic District in Downtown Cuero, the Pharmacy and Medical Museum of Texas resides in the beautifully preserved 1889 Main Street building that housed Reuss Pharmacy for 100 years. Within the original wall cabinets are bottles and other pharmacy artifacts from the 1800s and 1900s. The display counters and pharmacist’s preparation bench remain where they were in 1889.

Watch our The First Texas Germans video to learn more about German Texan cultural heritage in Texas. This video was produced for our German Texans mobile tour.

The Pharmacy and Medical Museum of Texas

114 E. Main St. Cuero, TX 77954