Paso del Indio Nature Trail

Tropical Trail Region
1 W. End Washington St. Laredo, Texas 78040

Accessed through the Lamar Bruni Vergara Environmental Science Center, visitors can view the Rio Grande crossing used by American Indians for centuries. It saw heavy use by soldiers and settlers since Spanish explorer Jacinto de León discovered the ford in 1746. Growing into a major route along El Camino Real de los Tejas, the location inspired rancher Don Tomás Sánchez de la Barrera to found the Laredo settlement.

Paso del Indio Nature Trail

1 W. End Washington St. Laredo, Texas 78040


From the intersection of Ainsworth and Prime, follow Ainsworth north to Taylor and take a right. The Environmental Science Center is on the left. The trailhead is to the west, immediately under the wind generators.