Old Fort Bliss Replica Cultural Center

Mountain Trail Region
Bldg 5054 Across from Noel Field Fort Bliss, TX 79916 915-568-4518 or 915-588-8482

Living history educators and replicas of the fort’s adobe structures usher visitors into the vivid history of this still-active military facility, including the role of Buffalo Soldiers, who were stationed at Fort Bliss from 1866 to 1901. The site features an animal cemetery to honor the animals that served military personnel at Fort Bliss. The base also has several other museums, historic homes and displays that visitors can enjoy while on post.

Fort Bliss is an active military base and access is limited. Please call Old Fort Bliss for detailed visitation instructions. Visitors typically gain access same day.

Old Fort Bliss Replica Cultural Center

Bldg 5054 Across from Noel Field Fort Bliss, TX 79916

