M. B. Lockett Building

Brazos Trail Region
119 W. 7th Street Georgetown, Texas

To attract business, owners would sometimes add attention-grabbing elements to their buildings. Prominent architectural features of the M.B. Lockett Building include cast iron columns, an elaborate pressed metal parapet, and a corner turret with a domed oriel bay. Corner lots were more expensive as they were also more prominent, having two street-facing facades.

This building had a serious fire in 1998. An excellent job was done restoring the building and rebuilding the historic elements to match. Fiberglass was used instead of pressed metal in this case. Today, the M.B. Lockett Building is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is currently home to a local restaurant, Goodfolks.

M. B. Lockett Building

119 W. 7th Street Georgetown, Texas