Hotel Settles

Plains Trail Region
200 E 3rd St. Big Spring, TX 79720 (432) 267-7500

Your eyes are not playing tricks on you when you first set sight on Big Spring's skyscraper Hotel Settles. Built in 1930 by rancher and oil man W. R. Settles, the hotel stood proud as the tallest building between Fort Worth and El Paso. Designed by Abilene architect David Castle, the Art Deco beauty played host to galas, bands, and even Elvis Presley. Treat yourself and get lost in another era in one of the beautifully restored hotel opportunities along the historic Bankhead Highway. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Hotel Settles

200 E 3rd St. Big Spring, TX 79720


Hotel room rates and restaurant charges vary; no charge to view lobby.