Gold's Department Store

Brazos Trail Region
154 W. 7th St. Georgetown, Texas

This site has a fascinating history of invention and re-invention, starting in 1910 when “The Airdome” was located on this lot — an open air venue area with lots of seating defined by a 12’ fence but no roof.

By 1916 Victorian-style brick buildings were constructed, featuring tall thin transom windows, a canopy, and a projecting cornice - most likely made of pressed metal, a distinctive material of the style.

In the 1950s, business owner Harry Gold transformed the exterior of the building into the current style of the day, now known as Mid-Century Modern — a style recognized for its clean lines and lack of ornamentation.

By 2006, a new owner wanted to return it to its Victorian appearance. The Mid-Century Modern slipcover – which was then itself historic - was removed but little remained underneath of the original façade. New pieces were fabricated for the cornice using Styrofoam rather than pressed metal, traditional storefronts were rebuilt, and the building was transformed to hold four businesses.

Listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Gold's Department Store

154 W. 7th St. Georgetown, Texas