El Paso Murals

Mountain Trail Region
Located throughout El Paso El Paso, TX 79902 (915) 534-0600

More than 100 vivid murals are scattered throughout El Paso, particularly in the Lincoln Park and El Segundo Barrio districts. Reflecting a rich Mexican storytelling tradition, these pieces of public art depict El Paso's history and community pride.

Painted in 1938 inside the federal courthouse, Tom Lea's “Pass of the North” is the city's oldest mural. The massive 11-foot by 54-foot mural focuses on the foundation of El Paso and its merging cultures, including Apache Indians and settlers. Lea's smaller scale “Southwest Landscape” in the El Paso Public Library at 501 N. Oregon St. touches on the area’s physical beauty, particularly the desert flats outlined by the Franklin Mountains.

Other murals depict culture, such as Carlos Rosa's 1976 “Entelequia.” Located in the 800 block of Campbell Street, it pays homage to El Paso’s youth with a chronological sequence representing growth, development, and independence. Located at 900 E. Father Rahm Ave., “El Chuco y Que,” by Antonio Mercado, Carlos Callejo, and Frank Mata, caricatures the cowboy stereotype typically assigned to Hispanics of the El Paso region to make the point that it is not an accurate representation.

Watch the video below to learn more about Hispanic Cultures in Texas. This video was produced for the Hispanic Texans mobile tour, more information about which may be found on our Hispanic heritage page at the following link: http://texastimetravel.com/travel-themes/main-hispanic-heritage

El Paso Murals

Located throughout El Paso El Paso, TX 79902

