Denton County Courthouse/Courthouse Square

Lakes Trail Region
110 West Hickory Denton, TX 76201

This 1896 courthouse is unique and extraordinary even by Texas courthouse standards. A central octagonal tower rises above a broad platform with four smaller tower domes on the corners — almost certainly inspired by Il Duomo in Florence, Italy.

The Denton County Courthouse was restored through the Texas Historic Courthouse Preservation Program, and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Today, the courthouse is home to the Courthouse-on-the-Square Museum, where lectures, exhibits, and community events are scheduled throughout the year, keeping this local gem an active site for experiencing the past.

Walk north on Locust Street and turn right at the post office. Notice how the courthouse square is surrounded by a series of single building-wide blocks in contrast to the typical building blocks that are two buildings-deep. The large size of the square surrounding the courthouse gives it the feeling of a lively park, allowing it to fulfill the original role of a traditional town square: a public gathering place. Compare the historic photos to the restored and repurposed buildings of today.

City, county, and local entrepreneurs work hard to keep the square an active hub for city residents, local college students, and visitors. The square is also a designated National Register Historic District.

Denton County Courthouse/Courthouse Square

110 West Hickory Denton, TX 76201