Cameron Park Zoo offers a one-of-a-kind experience for children of all ages. Lush grasses, ponds, waterfalls, and natural shelters create a beautiful setting for animals from around the world. Ring-tailed, red-ruffed, and the very endangered blueeyed,black-haired lemurs enjoy their island home while Sumatran tigers, lions and rhinos roam the African savanna. Exotic reptiles live in a world of waterfalls and plants in the herpetarium. Children’s play areas make the zoo a favorite family outing. The exciting new Brazos River Country exhibit takes visitors on a journey through the Brazos River Country from the Gulf of Mexico to the Caprock Region of West Texas.
Visitors can also schedule a once in a lifetime peek behind the scenes at Cameron Park Zoo. Your group will enjoy touring select areas that are typically off limits to the public, while learning specific information about our zoo residents.