Acton Nature Center

Lakes Trail Region
6900 Smoky Hill Court Granbury, TX 76049 (817) 326-6005

The Acton Nature Center of Hood County is open to anyone who enjoys the peace and quiet of nature at its finest. Trails will lead you around the center to view the natural pond filled with croaking toads. In a heavily shaded ravine you will find a large old Live Oak tree spreading its branches as if to welcome you in.

The spring offers you a cascade of brightly colored wildflowers filling the property. In the center you will find the a fully functional windmill that is now the source of water for the remains of an abandoned water well that was used to water the livestock that roamed this center many years ago. Leading to the windmill is the Elizabeth Crockett Butterfly Trail that is handicap safe and directs you through the butterfly garden.

Check out the nature center for special events like star parties and bird walks.

Acton Nature Center

6900 Smoky Hill Court Granbury, TX 76049
