Stengel House

Built in 1893.

Pictured: Stengel House today.
Credit: Courtesy of owner.

Fleeing New Orleans

The 1870 U.S. Census for Ward 4 of New Orleans, LA. Sebastian is registered as a worker in an "oil factory," and Barbara keeps house.

Erhard and Christina Meet

Pictured: Erhard and Chrstina Stengel, date unknown.
Credit: The Family History of Erhard and Christina Stengel, Compiled by Mary Stengel, 2011-2012.

The First Tragedy by Fire

"The fire was noticed by Emil Bogusch, who worked at the electric company. He ran to the public well for water and started to fight the fire....There was no city firefighting system. People quickly came to help carry out the contents of the buildings."
"Mason's Courthouse Square"

Another Fire

Pictured: The front porch of Stengel House.
Credit: Courtesy of owner. is reported that she understood that she would not survive her injuries."
Mason County News, May 2, 1902

Starting Over