Garner House

Built ca. 1914.

A Hotel Family

Pictured: The Mason House hotel, formerly owned by the Garners, still stands today in downtown Mason.
Credit: Jeff Leichsenrin,

The Garners Fall on Hard Times

Ownership of the Garner family home begins in 1913, when Martha Garner purchased the land for $750 from the heirs of William Koock, another early founder of Mason.

Pictured: R.C. Doell & Co. Stable, 1914.
Credit: Mason County Historical Book, 1976.

Another Widow is Made

Mason's Cinematic History

Pictured: Airdome theaters were popular nationwide in the 1910s. Here's an example of an airdome theater in Las Vegas.
Credit: Public domain.
"With the stage erected out-of-doors, and with no roof except the sky, and with the moon furnishing most of the light necessary, the airdome proved to be the ideal place to spend the evening."
Billboard, 1909
Pictured: The Garner House, date unknown.
Credit: Tom Doell.

When was the house built?

The Garner House Today

Pictured: The home's original pine plank construction can be seen on the ceilings.
Credit: Courtesy of owner.
Pictured: A secret doorway was added by a later owner of Garner House.
Credit: Courtesy of owner.